Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentines Day...

Don't you just love when your "Friends" all of a sudden start dating someone like DAYS before Valentines day? and then say "oh, why don't you find someone"

Usually this stuff doesnt bother me, but this year I'm literally the only person out of my "group" thats single. I mean i don't have a problem with it, and I'm not going to absolutely be miserable if i don't it just irks me.

But in other news, we finished the play in creative writing! we have to "perform" it on tuesday so that should be fun! dot dot dot..... :P I mean its a comedy about dying! who couldn't not like that?!

" Skillet, blaring like a numbing serum in my head, is my escape from what i call the world, the heavy guitar strums and the meaningful lyrics transport me to another world, a better one.
"You make me feel better
Stay with me here now and never surrender"
The ending lyrics resonate through my empty thoughts. its not till half way through the next track that i realize i had completely zoned... "

Ok that was really really really random. but I'm listening to skillet and idk haha. Guess what? a new record for me, failed 2 tests this week!.... and a quiz!
Algebra sucks as always, English is ok.. i guess. Band is good, might go to Honor Band.. yayy...?

the whole point of this blog was to.... wait there was no point? well that sucks, you just read a pointless blog... you fail! :P

OH! btw, new picture, should i default?


1 comment:

  1. k so what happened to "so close to not being single" and im not dating anyone. people cant seem to get that through their heads and valentines day... doesnt matter unless ur dating someone. its nonsignificant and expensive usually. so ur right it sucks. if your a lieing cheating bastard. otherwise its just another day to watch people make fools out of themselves because they're "in love"
